







Prophetic Word for Zimbabwe By Cindy Jacobs, Guatemala 1998

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Domborembudzi Business Center

For the 362 people that resided in Domborembudzi, the water crisis was a daily reality that sapped away their health and strength. The sole water sources available to them were three hand-dug well, which were essentially shafts cut into the ground.

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The Fellowship has been leading a process meant to mainstream Integral Mission in theological colleges around the country and the church as a whole, with support from Tearfund.

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[Video] - Zimbabwe, A Call to Pray & Fast for 90 Days

A call to all Heads of Denominations to activate the Church for prayer for the next 90 days beginning 1 June, 2020

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EFZ Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic

The Fellowship, through the Secretariat, with support from National Executive Committee and Members, have been able to contribute to the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

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